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Greeting Cards
I like to make cards for people. I think some of them are good enough to share, so here they are. There are PDFs for you to print or you can download the XCF files and edit them in the GNU Image Manipulation Program

Friendly/funny card from group with pug dog theme and text: "Even though you're pugly… we love you!"

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Romantic/valentines/friendship card with Olaf from the Disney movie Frozen and text: "I like warm hugs… from you!"

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Birthday card with a sailing/nautical/ocean theme, catamaran image, and text: "It's your birthday… make a splash!"

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Birthday card with a Planes (Disney movie) theme, text: "You must be tired. Because you have been flying through my mind non-stop!"

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catamaran photos by Brad Davis and used with permission
background photo by Omar Bárcena and used under license
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